Girl Scouts

Girl Scout Camp, Budgeting App, Student Loan Debt and International Fair in Aizu

I`ve once again realized just how bad I am at this blogging thing. One reason is that I think about what I`m going to write, plan it word-by-word in my head…and then forget to write it! By the time I could sit down and do so, it`s not very timely anymore, so I tend not […]

Girl Scout Camp, Budgeting App, Student Loan Debt and International Fair in Aizu Read More »

My weekend (mostly anime and doll pictures)

So… to start, the middle of last week, I realized that the rescue doll I rescued needed new s-hooks because the ones she came with were rusting. I tried to order them online, but the website told me something about how my phone number and membership number (for Volks) didn’t match. That being the case,

My weekend (mostly anime and doll pictures) Read More »