Here`s the mountain, and my friend setting up the snowboard since apparently you can flip the bootstraps around. I had to rent boots, since I don`t own any. The snowboard was my friend`s though (She had an extra).
I practiced standing on the snowboard for like two minutes, and then was told “Let`s try the ski lift!” We did pick the smallest mountain, and the view was gorgeous, but I was rather nervous at the thought of trying to snowboard down.
I spent a good fifteen or twenty minutes falling down, and watching Kara demonstrate what I should be doing. I managed to stand up every time I fell down…but usually only for a minute or two. Finally I gave up and decided to walk down. It was higher than I had thought…it took about twenty more minutes to walk down!
As long as we were down anyway, we took a lunch break. While we were at lunch, the area`s mascot came around!
After lunch, I practiced trying to snowboard for a little longer before I was done. Kara still wanted to go on one of the highest mountains, so I rode up in the lift with her, since I had bought the lift ticket. I got some pretty good photos of the area while riding!
It was a kind of tiring day, but overall fun. Since we had an hour to wait for the bus to get back to the train station, Kara went into an onsen (hot water bath) while I wandered around outside.
That was two weeks ago. Last weekend I drove to Koriyama for Girlscouts. It was supposed to be a two hour drive, but it somehow took me a little over 3. GPS does not like me. >.>
Then, yesterday, for my birthday, a bunch of the ALTs drove up to a mall in Sendai for lunch, then up to Costco. I did end up buying a Costco membership. The tolls on the highway to get there are a little off putting (almost $50 round trip!) but if I can find people to go with each time, it won`t be so bad.
Also, sorry some of the pictures are messed up a little. WordPress is having issues. >.>