We went to the doll store first, and I got the supplies I needed. (Didn’t realize till later, but I totally forgot to ask them about the website login…). In the building for the doll store though, we saw this sign:
As Saturday was the 19th, whatever it was was still going on…and the anime pictured is Saiyuki by Minekura Kazuya, which is one of my absolute all time favorites!!! Since Tiffany and Joe (the other ALTs) miraculously also had heard of Saiyuki, we ran up to the 9th floor to check it out.
It was an art gallery of Saiyuki, with like the original drawings and paste ups that eventually became the manga! Seems like it was the 20th anniversary of the manga coming out. Only thing was, it cost ¥800 to get in. the other two decided not to, but since I really, reallly, realllllllly wanted to see, they said to go ahead and that they would wait on a different floor.
It was awesome, seeing the pictures so big. And there were pictures I didn’t recognize as well, making me wonder if they had never been published in English, but had been in Japanese…which means I really need to brush up on my Japanese so I can read them. Anyway I had Arete with me, and she has a pointing hand, which was perfect for pointing out the very coolest scenes.
There were life sized cardboard cutouts of the characters too, and even pictures from a stage play, which I hadn’t realized had existed. Then came the dangerous part though…the gift shop. I was (sorta) good. That is, I didn’t buy everything that I wanted to. I only got a couple of postcards, a pack of stickers, a file folder, and the art book that had all the same pictures I’d just seen in the gallery. ? Oh, and the ticket to get in is in that picture too.
Isn’t it awesome??? After that, I met back up with the other ALTs, and we headed to Costco.
Costco was Costco. (No, I didn’t get the giant teddy dog…it was ¥4000!!) But I did get a pizza to take home and freeze, since after my overspending this month, I’m going to see if I can buy nothing but neccessities next month. It was fun hanging out with Tiffany and Joe too. They both know a bunch of anime I do, which is cool. and we talked about games. And getting lost while driving. ? We didn’t get lost this time though.
Then, today (Sunday) I had Girl Scouts in the morning. It was a semi-promotional thing…we made origami toothpick holders, and called for people who walked by to come make one too. If they did, they also got a little information paper about Girl Scouts. When we were done, one of the parents bought everyone ice cream!
There was also a pokestop there, in case you play Pokemon Go.
When I got home, I tried painting the face of the rescue doll, but it didn’t really come out that good. I did put her body together successfully though, so one of two things accomplished?
The faceup is way better than how I found her, but not really good enough. So next weekend, which should be a free weekend, I’m going to try again.
And that was my weekend. ?