
Girl Scout Camp, Budgeting App, Student Loan Debt and International Fair in Aizu

I`ve once again realized just how bad I am at this blogging thing. One reason is that I think about what I`m going to write, plan it word-by-word in my head…and then forget to write it! By the time I could sit down and do so, it`s not very timely anymore, so I tend not

Girl Scout Camp, Budgeting App, Student Loan Debt and International Fair in Aizu Read More »

The truth about Fukushima

Living in Fukushima Prefecture, I have found that when I tell someone that that`s where I live, I get a response along the lines of “But isn`t Japan radioactive?” Mostly from foreigners, but occasionally from Japanese people, if I meet them outside the prefecture, there`s the misconception, “Isn`t Fukushima radioactive?” In a quick answer: Fukushima

The truth about Fukushima Read More »