I spent way too much money, of course (though than I thought I would). I was super tempted by one of the new dolls, but he was kinda out of my price range at $1000, so I was good and didn`t get him.
I took pictures though. ^^ Mostly my pictures were of the displays in the dealer`s market area…some people are very talented. So, on to the pictures!
I got there an hour early…and was still number 221 to get in! I had also made the mistake of forgetting sunscreen, so I ended up with sunburn on top of the sunburn I`d gotten the end of July at the Nomaoi festival. Weird how only the same places sunburned, and nothing else. >.>
Went into the store first, and along the way were displays of the official Volks dolls and clothing that were available for purchase.
Then I took a look around the dealer`s market area.
Found some more official Volks dolls:
And stopped for a coffee break. 😛
Went back to the dealer`s market:
The best display I passed was probably this, because the person was obviously having fun with it.
First time I passed by, the display looked like this:
And when I passed by again a little while later, it was like this:
It made me laugh, since it was like a scene out of a manga (comic book).
Then there was a charity auction, and a Bingo game (I didn`t win anything). They announced the new stuff, and which manga they were collaborating with next.
And then it was over.
Doll parties are fun, but expensive. The next is in December, and I`m tempted to go all the way down to Tokyo for it, because, if I understood the temporary point system correctly (it was an anniversary point collection, so limited time only), then I have enough points for like $100 off in the store–but only at the December Doll Party. Maybe I can finagle it so that I go down, go to the Dolpa then fly home for Christmas the next day. Depending on when exactly it is…