I had this show stuck in my head for some reason. One of my brothers showed it to me over winter break, and I haven`t really given it much thought since. But today I was thinking about it. It`s called “Over the Garden Wall.”
While thinking of it, I attempted to draw one of the characters, Greg. It looks nothing like him! And the teapot definitely does not look like a teapot. The more I look at it, the more it kinda looks like an elephant. Which I suppose is a win, since the character was trying to dress up as an elephant for Halloween. Even if that`s all right in the end though, you could argue that the frog is questionable too. 😛
Also, Happy Valentines Day!
At school today, with lunch, they had chocolate jello. Since desserts are rare in Japanese school lunches, I assumed it was for Valentine`s Day. And yes, it was definitely jello and not mousse or pudding.
It`s small, but it`s there. ^_^
In the break after lunch, I usually head down to the first floor so that the kids can have a chance to practice English if they want to. Today 6 students came to chat! Probably partially because they were tired of tests (today and tomorrow are test days), but still. We did have mini conversations in English, and they made origami hearts with English instructions. Even the boys 😛
I did get one Valentine today. The mom of two of my elementary school students and I have hung out a couple of times and chat sometimes, and she came over just to quick give me a Valentine. Which was really sweet.
I kinda panicked thinking I didn`t have anything to give in return, but I had brought a box of American kids Valentine cards, and I still had some candy canes (berry flavored, not mint), so I gave her that.
This was the Valentine:
In Japan, they celebrate something called White Day, where if you got chocolate, you`re supposed to give something back to the person who gave you chocolate. That`s March 14th. I think I might bake cookies or something. ^^