My neighbors are so sweet, and it really was yummy. ^_^
Growing up though, I was always taught to never return an empty container. Not sure why, exactly, except that it`s rude to, and much nicer to keep the food giving going. And cookies are easiest to make in return, and peanut butter cookies even easier than that!
There are only 3 ingredients. 4 if you add bananas for peanut butter banana cookies. I kid you not.
The ingredients are:
1 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter
1 egg
It`s really that simple. (There are numerous pinterest recipes saying so, I double checked.) I did read though that if you add banana, you also need to add another egg, so I think I`ll just stick with regular for now. Or better yet, make 2 batches! One of each. Too many cookies, you say? Can there be such a thing as too many cookies?
Anyway, the peanut butter I got is kinda a funny color (not dark at all) but it tastes like peanut butter, so I guess its ok. It was cheaper than the teeny jar of skippy (peanut butter is not so much a thing here).
But my first batch came out like this so I added oats, flour and baking powder
And they still came out odd (taste more than looks) so I might have to make something else for the neighbours tomorrow…