Kirsten: Let’s cook something from my cookbook!

Kirsten: We have plenty of apples…how about applesauce? It’s easy!

Zane: Sure. Let me check the recipe…

Zane: Granny smith apples?

Zane: Not a one in the bunch we got apple picking. Oh well. They’re apples. Close enough?

Kirsten: I washed all the apples!

Zane: And I got the paring knife. You better get the peeler…little kids shouldn’t touch knives!

Kirsten: I got water so the apples won’t burn

Kirsten: Can’t forget the cinnamon!

Kirsten: Yum! Nothing like warm applesauce.
Zane: …It only took like two hours to make. >.> But true, homemade beats store-bought every time