Shan: I`m not standing with the door open letting out the cold air so come in. What do you want?
?: Is Rhiannon Yamamoto here?
Shan: Yea. In the room with AC like everyone else. *mumbles* gah, too hot to deal with this. *normal voice* wait here a minute
?: All right
Shan: This way
Connery: Ye actually answered tha door?
Shan: Because someone`s sitting down on the job. Here. Rhi! Someone to see you
Connery: Aye am an ice demon. Aye dinna do well in heat
Rhi: A visitor? Who?
?: Hello Rhiannon. Rhi, was it?
Rhi: Yup! It`s Rhi. But I don`t know you
?: I`m Ilya Monteford, your older half brother, Rhi.
Shan: …
Connery: Rhi`s family?
Chiyo: Brother?
Rosaire: This is interesting…
Rhi: If you`re a boy, why are you wearing a dress?
Ilya: *twirls* Do you like it? My father bought it for me in China when we were there.
Rhi: It`s pretty!
Ilya: Anyway, I heard that you were here in Japan, Rhi, so when my father and I came here I wanted to meet you, my little sister.
Rhi: Are you going to stay here? 😀
Ilya: I was hoping…
Shan: I have an objection. This is my apartment. I haven`t said it was all right for yet another person to stay here.
Chiyo: Oh, let him. I`ve always wanted to meet Rhi`s family.
Rosaire: I think I can write a song about this. I`ll call it, `The Reunited Siblings`
Connery: So long as the temperature goes down, I dinna have an opinion. Tisn`t as if ye dinna have the space…
Rhi: Yay! You`re staying! Nice to meet you, Ilya-Onii-chan!
Shan: Is no one going to mention that he`s a boy, wearing a dress?
Connery: Ye never say aught when Aye wear a kilt
Shan: That`s different. A kilt is not a skirt, it`s a Scottish thing. That is a dress, not a kilt, and he`s not Scottish.
Connery: -_-
And for fun, a picture of the siblings!