Fukushima`s Exclusion Zone

We got the rare opportunity to take a tour (with official permission!) through Fukushima, Japan`s Exclusion Zone. That is, the part of Fukushima that even after 7 years, people aren’t allowed to live in due to higher radiation. But the Exclusion Zone is such a tiny part of Fukushima…please don`t think that all of Fukushima is like this! (It`s only about 20km or so that is!) 


All ready? Let`s go!


A tour of the Nuclear Power Plant! No pictures allowed inside…

Arete: Here we are, Rhi, in Fukushima’s exclusion zone!

Rhi: o.o What happened to that building???

Arete: This is tsunami damage from 7 years ago

Rhi: What is this building?

Arete: It was a fishing hatchery.

Arete: See? It’s near the ocean.

Rhi: Graffiti! In English…?

Arete: Oh, some pretty flowers, even here

Rhi: Don’t touch, don’t touch! They’re rajio-active! 

Arete: They’re not really radioactive, not enough to hurt. But I won’t touch. 

Arete: All right, on to the next place

Rhi: There’s more?! 

Arete: This is an abandoned Nursing Home, but it’s hard to see through the windows. Next is an abandoned elementary school. 

Rhi: They left all their books!

Arete: They had to leave quickly, Rhi. It was a matter of safety. 

Rhi: Oh,like in hinankunn (fire) drills, you can’t take anything with you? 

Arete: Exactly. 

Arete: …

Arete: Oh! It’s the teacher’s room. 

Arete: A classroom…

Rhi: Let’s look inside!

Arete: We’re not allowed to…it is a restricted area, and the building might not be safe inside. No one has been inside for seven years…

Arete: All that green tall grass was once a soccer/playing field… 

A short break before going to the hotel.


                                                    Day 2:


Rhi: Everything is broken. ? Where are we?

Arete: This is the red zone exclusion area of Futaba…

Arete: …wow…

Arete: Hard to believe that 7 years have passed, looking at this… Anyway, next to the beach.

Rhi: Yay!

Rhi: Not yay.

Arete: Hold my hand, Rhi. The wind is strong! 

Arete: If only it would stop raining… Let’s make another stop.

Arete: This is Namie Station. This town opened up again last year.

Rhi: It was closed?

Arete: After the earthquake, yes. 

Rhi: What’s this?

Arete: It’s a song by a composer born in Namie 

Arete: And look, radiation in Namie is down to .2 microsieverts per hour. It’s plenty safe.

Rhi: Ok. Can we go somewhere inside next? It’s raining…

Rhi: Oo!

Arete: Rhi, they’re not yours. They belong to the evacuees who left this area after the tsunami. The stuff is waiting here for them to come pick it up.

Arete: And this is Okuma City 

Rhi: I’m tired of destructed stuff… ?

Arete: Just a little more, Rhi. It’s good to see what happened so we can be more prepared next time. 

Rhi: ? That’s a big plant in the door!

Rhi: Oh good, I’m thirsty. May I get a drink?

Arete: Not from here! Those machines don’t work anymore.

Rhi: Fallen flowers…

Arete: And flowers still growing. Life will come back to this town.

Rhi: Arete! I’m hungry! 

Arete: I’m hungry too! Good thing there’s a cafeteria in the yellow part of the exclusion zone. Ah, wait Rhi. What do you say?

Rhi: Itadakimasu!