Arts and Witchcrafts

Magick in the Modern Day World

Rhiannon’s Emporium is the official name of the webstore connected to the Arts and Witchcrafts website. It’s named for Rhi, the little doll that started a journey of crafting doll items and creating photostories. 

The name of the website itself comes from the idea that all magick has a bit of art and ingenuity mixed in, and by the same note, all art has at least a hint of witchcraft. Or at least, my creations do!

The dolls that everything are made for are here; they have their own profiles and even photostories based on their characters.

This is information about the owner of the site and Rhiannon’s Emporium. I think the about page covers it all, but if not, try looking at the updated-when-I-remember blog. ^^

So, beginning of May I found out that I had a wheat allergy in addition to my (specific) treenuts allergy, and I decided I needed a way to better keep track of the things that are safe to eat. And I thought other people might be interested too, so I decided to list it all here.

Customer’s Reviews

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Very nice bracelets, and shipping very fast to France!!
My bracelets arrived and I love them! Beautiful gems, great packaging and fast shipping. Thank you!