Rhiannon’s Emporium is the official name of the webstore connected to the Arts and Witchcrafts website. It’s named for Rhi, the little doll that started a journey of crafting doll items and creating photostories.
The name of the website itself comes from the idea that all magick has a bit of art and ingenuity mixed in, and by the same note, all art has at least a hint of witchcraft. Or at least, my creations do!

The dolls that everything are made for are here; they have their own profiles and even photostories based on their characters.
So, beginning of May I found out that I had a wheat allergy in addition to my (specific) treenuts allergy, and I decided I needed a way to better keep track of the things that are safe to eat. And I thought other people might be interested too, so I decided to list it all here.
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